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Dear Subscriber, Theatre Lover, Supporter of the Arts...
Thank you! I don’t know how else to say it but, thank you! This year we finally returned to some semblance of normalcy. At least I thought it seemed normal, whatever “normal” now means. To show our appreciation we are sending you this season preview, featuring the 23-24 season. There is so much to choose from! Of special interest is our season producer package. Just for $225.00 you get tickets to all our regular season events and as a showing of our appreciation, if you subscribe before June 30th we will include our three summer events in the package. Yes, that means ROCK OF AGES, SEUSSICAL, and THE EARTH WIND AND FIRE TRIBUTE will be included in the season producer package. It’s for this year only and available for those who get their subscription package in by June 30th. There is so much next year to choose from, THE LITTLE MERMAID, THE WPS WINNER, BACKWARDS FORWARDS BACK, musical groups like REVERIE ROAD, THE TARTAN TERRORS, JUMMAANE SMITH to name a few. Take a look inside and see what’s on the schedule. More importantly, thank you again for keeping the arts alive.
See you at the theatre.
Carl Wallnau
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